The weekly challenge 311 - Task 2: Group Digit Sum
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl 2 # 3 # 4 # Task 2: Group Digit Sum 5 # ======================= 6 # 7 # You are given a string, $str, made up of digits, and an integer, $int, which is less than the length of the given string. 8 # 9 # Write a script to divide the given string into consecutive groups of size $int 10 # (plus one for leftovers if any). Then sum the digits of each group, and 11 # concatenate all group sums to create a new string. If the length of the new 12 # string is less than or equal to the given integer then return the new string, 13 # otherwise continue the process. 14 # 15 ## Example 1 16 ## 17 ## Input: $str = "111122333", $int = 3 18 ## Output: "359" 19 ## 20 ## Step 1: "111", "122", "333" => "359" 21 # 22 ## Example 2 23 ## 24 ## Input: $str = "1222312", $int = 2 25 ## Output: "76" 26 ## 27 ## Step 1: "12", "22", "31", "2" => "3442" 28 ## Step 2: "34", "42" => "76" 29 # 30 ## Example 3 31 ## 32 ## Input: $str = "100012121001", $int = 4 33 ## Output: "162" 34 ## 35 ## Step 1: "1000", "1212", "1001" => "162" 36 # 37 ############################################################ 38 ## 39 ## discussion 40 ## 41 ############################################################ 42 # 43 # As long as $str is bigger than $int, do a loop: 44 # - split $str into its parts, store those in a temporary array 45 # - calculate the sum of digits for each of those parts, store 46 # those sums into another temporary array 47 # - concatenate those sums, forming the new $str 48 # - repeat until the length of $str <= $int 49 # - return the result 50 51 use v5.36; 52 use List::Util qw(sum); 53 54 group_digit_sum("111122333", 3); 55 group_digit_sum("1222312", 2); 56 group_digit_sum("100012121001", 4); 57 58 59 sub group_digit_sum($str, $int) { 60 say "Input: \$str = \"$str\", \$int = $int"; 61 my $sum = 0; 62 while(length($str) > $int) { 63 my @tmp = (); 64 while(length($str) > $int) { 65 push @tmp, substr($str, 0, $int); 66 $str = substr($str, $int); 67 } 68 push @tmp, $str; 69 my @sums = (); 70 foreach my $elem (@tmp) { 71 my @parts = split//, $elem; 72 push @sums, sum(@parts); 73 } 74 $str = join("", @sums); 75 } 76 say "Output: $str"; 77 }