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The weekly challenge 274 - Task 1: Goat Latin

 1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
 2 #
 3 #
 4 # Task 1: Goat Latin
 5 # ==================
 6 #
 7 # You are given a sentence, $sentance.
 8 #
 9 # Write a script to convert the given sentence to Goat Latin, a made up language similar to Pig Latin.
10 #
11 # Rules for Goat Latin:
12 #
13 # 1) If a word begins with a vowel ("a", "e", "i", "o", "u"), append
14 #    "ma" to the end of the word.
15 # 2) If a word begins with consonant i.e. not a vowel, remove first
16 #    letter and append it to the end then add "ma".
17 # 3) Add letter "a" to the end of first word in the sentence, "aa" to
18 #    the second word, etc etc.
19 #
20 ## Example 1
21 ##
22 ## Input: $sentence = "I love Perl"
23 ## Output: "Imaa ovelmaaa erlPmaaaa"
24 #
25 ## Example 2
26 ##
27 ## Input: $sentence = "Perl and Raku are friends"
28 ## Output: "erlPmaa andmaaa akuRmaaaa aremaaaaa riendsfmaaaaaa"
29 #
30 ## Example 3
31 ##
32 ## Input: $sentence = "The Weekly Challenge"
33 ## Output: "heTmaa eeklyWmaaa hallengeCmaaaa"
34 #
35 ############################################################
36 ##
37 ## discussion
38 ##
39 ############################################################
40 #
41 # Split the sentence into single words, then check if the first
42 # character is a consonant. After handling both the cases of a
43 # consonant and a vowel, append the proper number of "a" characters.
44 # Note: This solution doesn't handle punctuation. Adding that would
45 # require a temporary variable that would contain any punctuation at
46 # the end of a word in order to re-add it after calculating the
47 # goat latin word.
49 use strict;
50 use warnings;
52 goat_latin("I love Perl");
53 goat_latin("Perl and Raku are friends");
54 goat_latin("The Weekly Challenge");
56 sub goat_latin {
57    my $sentence = shift;
58    print "Input: '$sentence'\n";
59    my $output = "";
60    my $count = 0;
61    foreach my $word (split /\s+/, $sentence) {
62       $count++;
63       if($word =~ m/^[aeiouAEIOU]/) {
64          $word .= "ma";
65       } else {
66          $word =~ s/^(.)(.*)/$2${1}ma/;
67       }
68       $word .= "a"x$count;
69       $output .= "$word ";
70    }
71    print "Output: $output\n";
72 }