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The weekly challenge 247 - Task 2: Most Frequent Letter Pair

 1 #!/usr/bin/perl
 2 #
 3 #
 4 # Task 2: Most Frequent Letter Pair
 5 # =================================
 6 #
 7 # You are given a string S of lower case letters 'a'..'z'.
 8 #
 9 # Write a script that finds the pair of consecutive letters in S that appears
10 # most frequently. If there is more than one such pair, chose the one that is
11 # the lexicographically first.
12 #
13 ## Example 1
14 ##
15 ## Input: $s = 'abcdbca'
16 ## Output: 'bc'
17 ##
18 ## 'bc' appears twice in `$s`
19 #
20 ## Example 2
21 ##
22 ## Input: $s = 'cdeabeabfcdfabgcd'
23 ## Output: 'ab'
24 ##
25 ## 'ab' and 'cd' both appear three times in $s and 'ab' is lexicographically
26 ## smaller than 'cd'.
27 #
28 ############################################################
29 ##
30 ## discussion
31 ##
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33 #
34 # Create a map with all substrings as keys and their frequency as value,
35 # then sort by frequency descending and then by key ascending and return
36 # the first element of the sorted list
38 use strict;
39 use warnings;
41 most_frequent_letter_pair('abcdbca');
42 most_frequent_letter_pair('cdeabeabfcdfabgcd');
44 sub most_frequent_letter_pair {
45    my $s = shift;
46    print "Input: $s\n";
47    my @letters = split //, $s;
48    my $map = {};
49    foreach my $i (0..$#letters-1) {
50       my $new = $letters[$i] . $letters[$i+1];
51       $map->{$new}++;
52    }
53    my @sorted = sort { $map->{$b} <=> $map->{$a} || $a cmp $b } keys %$map;
54    print "Output: $sorted[0]\n";
55 }