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The weekly challenge 216 - word stickers

  1 #!/usr/bin/perl
  2 #
  3 #
  4 # Task 2: Word Stickers
  5 # =====================
  6 #
  7 # You are given a list of word stickers and a target word.
  8 #
  9 # Write a script to find out how many word stickers is needed to make up the
 10 # given target word.
 11 #
 12 ## Example 1:
 13 ##
 14 ## Input: @stickers = ('perl','raku','python'), $word = 'peon'
 15 ## Output: 2
 16 ##
 17 ## We just need 2 stickers i.e. 'perl' and 'python'.
 18 ## 'pe' from 'perl' and
 19 ## 'on' from 'python' to get the target word.
 20 #
 21 ## Example 2:
 22 ##
 23 ## Input: @stickers = ('love','hate','angry'), $word = 'goat'
 24 ## Output: 3
 25 ##
 26 ## We need 3 stickers i.e. 'angry', 'love' and 'hate'.
 27 ## 'g' from 'angry'
 28 ## 'o' from 'love' and
 29 ## 'at' from 'hate' to get the target word.
 30 #
 31 ## Example 3:
 32 ##
 33 ## Input: @stickers = ('come','nation','delta'), $word = 'accommodation'
 34 ## Output: 4
 35 ##
 36 ## We just need 2 stickers of 'come' and one each of 'nation' & 'delta'.
 37 ## 'a' from 'delta'
 38 ## 'ccommo' from 2 stickers 'come'
 39 ## 'd' from the same sticker 'delta' and
 40 ## 'ation' from 'nation' to get the target word.
 41 #
 42 ## Example 4:
 43 ##
 44 ## Input: @stickers = ('come','country','delta'), $word = 'accommodation'
 45 ## Output: 0
 46 ##
 47 ## as there's no "i" in the inputs.
 48 #
 49 ############################################################
 50 ##
 51 ## discussion
 52 ##
 53 ############################################################
 54 #
 55 # This one looks a bit more complicated, but it's basically
 56 # a lot of helper functions so we have a bit of a not too
 57 # complicated flow.
 58 # We split the word into its characters. The result is a hash
 59 # that uses the characters as the key and the number of
 60 # occurences of this character as the value. We later split
 61 # the stickers the same way. That helps to better match the
 62 # characters on each sticker with the characters of the word.
 63 #
 64 # We use the "get_output()" function to calculate the output
 65 # for a split word and the split stickers. This is a recursive
 66 # function that will call itself with the remaining parts of
 67 # the word and the split stickers. That way we can calculate
 68 # the minimum solution by calculating all possible solutions
 69 # and keeping the minimum. So if the word is "nice", and the
 70 # stickers are "on", "ice", and "nice" this doesn't use the
 71 # two stickers "on" and "ice" for the solution, but the single
 72 # "nice" one.
 74 use strict;
 75 use warnings;
 77 word_stickers('peon', 'perl','raku','python');
 78 word_stickers('goat', 'love','hate','angry');
 79 word_stickers('accommodation', 'come','nation','delta');
 80 word_stickers('accommodation', 'come','country','delta');
 81 word_stickers('nice', 'on','ice','nice'); # this should return 1, not 2
 83 sub word_stickers {
 84    my ($word, @stickers) = @_;
 85    print "Input: (" . join(",", @stickers) . ") - $word\n";
 86    # we split the word
 87    my $word_characters = split_a_word($word);
 88    # now we split the stickers and keep the results in a single
 89    # hash that uses the sticker as the key and the split (a hash
 90    # reference) as the value
 91    my $sticker_splits = {};
 92    foreach my $sticker (@stickers) {
 93       $sticker_splits->{$sticker} = split_a_word($sticker);
 94    }
 95    # now we just call the recursive function
 96    my $output = get_output($sticker_splits, $word_characters);
 97    print "Output: $output\n";
 98 }
100 sub get_output {
101    my ($sticker_splits, $word_characters) = @_;
102    my $output = 0;
103    # if any of the characters of the word doesn't exist in the stickers, we
104    # can only return 0 as there is no solution
105    return $output unless all_chars_in_splits($word_characters, $sticker_splits);
106    my $minimum = 0;
107    # calculate all possible solutions by checking each single sticker, and if
108    # any of the characters in the word is in the sticker, create a copy of the word
109    # hash (to not overwrite the hash for the next round), the remove all characters
110    # from the word hash that are in the sticker and recursively call get_output()
111    # again to calculate the rest.
112    foreach my $sticker (keys(%$sticker_splits)) {
113       my $current = 0;
114       if(any_char_in_sticker($word_characters, $sticker_splits->{$sticker})) {
115          my $tmp_characters = deep_copy($word_characters);
116          $current = 1;
117          foreach my $key (keys(%{$sticker_splits->{$sticker}})) {
118             $tmp_characters->{$key} -= $sticker_splits->{$sticker}->{$key};
119             delete $tmp_characters->{$key} if $tmp_characters->{$key} <= 0;
120          }
121          $current += get_output($sticker_splits, $tmp_characters);
122          $minimum = $current if $current < $minimum or $minimum == 0;
123       }
124    }
125    return $minimum;
126 }
128 # checks if any of the characters in the word are in the sticker
129 sub any_char_in_sticker {
130    my ($word_characters, $sticker_characters) = @_;
131    foreach my $char (%$word_characters) {
132       return 1 if $sticker_characters->{$char};
133    }
134    return 0;
135 }
137 # create a deep copy of a hash that is given by reference
138 sub deep_copy {
139    my $hash = shift;
140    return undef unless ref($hash) eq "HASH";
141    my $result = {};
142    foreach my $key (keys(%$hash)) {
143       $result->{$key} = $hash->{$key};
144    }
145    return $result;
146 }
148 # check if all characters from a word are in the stickers
149 sub all_chars_in_splits {
150    my ($word_characters, $sticker_splits) = @_;
151    foreach my $char (keys(%$word_characters)) {
152       my $found = 0;
153       WORD: foreach my $w (keys(%$sticker_splits)) {
154          foreach my $c (keys(%{$sticker_splits->{$w}})) {
155             if($c eq $char) {
156                $found = 1;
157                last WORD;
158             }
159          }
160       }
161       # if we didn't find the current character we can return 0
162       return 0 unless $found;
163    }
164    # since we found all characters in at least one of the stickers
165    # we can return 1
166    return 1;
167 }
170 # split a word into its characters and return a hash that has
171 # the characters as keys. The value is the amount of times each
172 # character was found in the word
173 sub split_a_word {
174    my $word = shift;
175    my @chars = split //, $word;
176    my $result;
177    foreach my $c (@chars) {
178       $result->{$c}++;
179    }
180    return $result;
181 }